Remixes, Thoughtful

Bout Time – Our first official Balter Track

When I made this website a couple years ago, I made it because I felt there should be a dedicated site to dancing as a form of daily let go, almost a form of therapy, a way to feel better daily.

Today, I want to refine it a bit and give it a real mission: to bring you daily music to dance like a fool to. Music that makes you feel so much that you can’t help but move, forget about everything, including giving a fuck what you look like. Good dance music has a way of bringing yourself into the moment and that’s precisely what kind of music will be found here.

So here’s where it starts. Daily tracks that you can loose your cool to. Dance artlessly to your hearts desire, even if it’s a head-bob, even if it’s a chair butt wiggle at your office desk, even if you can close your eyes and surrender to the music, it’s here for you to heal, be, let go. Daily dance tracks.

So here goes, day 1’s prescription. Get yo balter on to an Odesza remix by Mild Minds.

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