Deep Dance

Day 2 Dance Tune – Holy Roller by Flamingo Cult

Monday, oh Monday. The day we all love to complain about. Although these complaints come with (some) good reason, we need more reasons to feel good about starting our week. It’s a brand new week. Yes, we have to get back to work, but let’s not spread the idea of Monday misery.

Instead, I’d like to give you a dance tune to start your Monday on the right foot.* A synth wave, deep dance tune with a ‘holy’ quality.

In full disclosure, this song was written/produced by my husband. When he first played this song for me (pre-name), it made me think of Jesus on the dance floor. An image of a new-age Jesus hippie, perhaps on a wee bit of molly, but at least blissed out, busting a move on the dance floor. I suppose we all hit the dance floor to find ‘God’, or our own equivalent, so to speak.

Btw, this is a book of Jesus dance moves that you can pick up from Amazon. Oh hell yes.

So, without further-adieu, today’s prescription: Holy Roller by Flamingo Cult. What do you think? Feel the godly/Jesus vibes? Or not?

*ha, get it? get it? Really though, no pun intended.

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